High progesterone levels?

C • IVF for PGD. No infertility & 1 prior natural preg; late TFMR 7/2018 due to unrelated non-genetic fetal anomaly.

Is anyone else’s progesterone currently very high (80s/90s)??

At my first beta last Thurs (9dp5dt) mine was 80 and now yesterday (13dp5dt) it was +90!

The nurse didnt seem bothered by this at all - all she said was that they like to see it above 25 - but i noticed that the highest end of the “normal range” for first tri is 90. Does this mean anything/shd i be worried that im hovering on the edge of “normal”?? I did my FET 4/30 with 1 PGS/PGD tested embryo and do 1cc of PIO each night.