TMI, clotting after letrozole


I took 2.5MG of letrozole CD 5-9 (Apr12-16) and around 8DPO my boobs were super sore (painful to even move) and I had slight cramps so I was convinced that I was pregnant. The timing was right, the symptoms were right. And yesterday at 12 DPO I started my “period” and my cramps were unbearable. I sat in my bed all of yesterday and most of today with a heat pad crying cause my cramps are so bad. Usually I can leave a regular tampon in for 5 hours or so and be fine but in the last 2 hours ive soaked through 3 super tampons and I’ve been having a lot of clots, did anyone experience this after taking letrozole or clomid? What do you think it is? I’m so lost. I hope I didn’t miscarry without even knowing if I was pregnant or not. Sorry for the tmi pics. 😢 I NEVER HAVE CRAMPS OR HEAVY PERIODS THATS WHY IM CONCERNED.