I have such a high sex drive compared to him

Can anyone relate? I’ve been dating my guy for almost 3 months now. I’m 29 and he’s 34. We’re both attractive and in shape. Our sex is amazing. It really is. And maybe that’s why I want it all the time? I actually expect it every morning and evening. I would want it in the middle of the night and in the afternoon, if it could happen then too. He seems to think the fact that we have it once a day is fine enough - and is ok with skipping a day or two. He says he just wants to be able to relax in bed and not feel like he HAS to has sex with me - like it’s starting to feel like a chore. I can’t help that I get so turned on next to him in bed while watching a movie or tv. I also can’t help that I feel rejected, unwanted and unattractive when he doesn’t respond to my clear advances. And then I can’t help but constantly resent him for this, for not making moves on me or for denying me!

Does this make me so selfish? I want to respect his wishes to not make everything about sex but it’s a way that I love to feel good and connect with him, exchange our love and energy. I know he loves it, too.

Another issue is that sometimes our sex only allows for him to cum, and of course I’m left wanting more. Gosh, I feel like a nymphomaniac laying there next to him! My previous boyfriends and I had a lot a lot of sex where I was hardly ever denied; however, they were toxic relationships and were nothing compared to the amazing and genuine care I’m given from this guy. I seriously would marry him if he asked me. I just wish he wanted to have sex as much as I do in our daily lives. We work together and live together, I should mention.

Any tips on how to get my boyfriend to make the moves on ME instead of it always seeming like I’m the desperate one cat-calling for him to f*** me?! Like I just want him to grab me and do it first more... or is this just a fantasy that doesn’t always happen in real life? Sometimes I think my expectations are ridiculous and maybe he’s right! Or am I completely justified in my high sex drive and shouldn’t feel crazy for wanting my desires to be satiated....

He is starting to get annoyed and angry when I bring it up all the time... so that’s why I’m here, asking for advice!