9 month old

My MIL keeps our 9 month old daughter for us for free while we work. Anywhere from 3-5 days a week.

She says our daughter won't take a morning nap. She wakes up between 545-6am is at her house by 630-645 and my MIL says she naps at 1 usually until 3.

We pick her up around 530-6 and

By the time we get her home she's cranky and irritable and we have to rush to feed her dinner, give her a bath, bottle and down. Most of the time she has a meltdown in the process of putting pjs/diaper on and bottle.

Isn't she too early to just be on one nap a day? Or am I just being a bitch? Lmao. Seriously, tell me.

I've talked to her and asked he rto please try her best to get her to nap in the mornings and she swears up and down she just will not.

When she's with me, sometimes she will and sometimes she wont... so i honestly don't know.

My MIL and I don't see eye to eye a lot and we've had our issues over the past 8 years... so I'm going to admit that she isn't my fav. Person.

Anywho. I basically just wanted o vent and see what others have to say.

EDIT: just wanted to add she's always taken two naps with me. When she's been with her all week, usually the first day back with me she won't but by the 2nd day she will go back to her usual two naps... first nap is usually 1hr&45min. 2nd nap is 1-1.5hrs.