Husband is a gamer


So i just need to vent . My husband is a gamer and spends a lot of time playing . He always takes care of his responsibilities but It’s been a reoccurring issue in our relationship for some time. It seemed to be turning around while I was pregnant . He really made an effort to balance gaming and spending time with me . Fast forward and our baby is now 5 weeks old . He has 3 months off for parental leave which is amazing . I pictured us spending so much time together with our new baby . That has not been the case . He spends most days gaming now . On one hand i feel like i dnt get to be frustrated since he always takes care of things . He takes care of our pets and and cooks and cleans . He changes diapers and takes the baby when i need a break . The issue is he will just place baby in his lap while he games . I feel like he’s not as attentive as should be when he does this . Granted she’s only 5 weeks and is asleep most of the time anyways but i just feel he’s constantly distracted. I know I’m lucky to have him home to help since that’s not the case for many but it’s frustrating feeling like his focus is always elsewhere . Am I just being needy?