Shaken baby

When my baby was a month or so old I would bounce in her bouncer pretty hard because it was what calmed her. Her would be to the side and come off the bouncer and go back to it... I didn't think about it not being good for her. Also I would her by her torso and bounce her in the air up and down. But there was a time that I did it really fast out of frustration and trying to get her to stop crying. Not trying to hurt her but thinking going faster might calm her like in the bouncer... She stopped for a second and then started again. I told the counselor at my hospital and later mention it to my peds... I didn't take her to the doctor right after because I didn't think I did anything to hurt her but then I saw a show about shaken baby and got sick that I might have hurt her unintentionally. Her pediatrician says she fine the counselor said she didn't think I hurt her... but I can NOT let it go... it keeps me up at night.. makes me want to vomit

She turn 4 months today