TMI 20 weeks in 20 weeks out


I cant believe how much my body has changed since ive had my daughter. Emily Marie Rose was Born Christmas day @ 7:06 pm,2018. She weighed 7lbs 11oz and was 18 1/2 in long. She is now almost 5 months old and weighs 14 lbs and is 23 in. Long. I weighed 155 lbs before getting pregnant and now I weigh 167. I'm not ashamed of my scars or my weight at all. I love being a mommy and what ever comes with the territory is fine by me. I just want all you other mommys out there to be proud of your tiger stripes and your mommy pooch. Without them we wouldn't have our beautiful little angels. Stay posative and be proud❤ pictures in order( post baby 5 weeks, 20 weeks pregnant, post baby 20 for both bnw, emilys 4 month photo, one week before she was born)