Overwhelmed ?

So I'm finding it hard to want to go anywhere or do things with my 2 month old. People expect us to visit, to go places, we have a wedding we need to fly to this summer, etc. People seem to have expectations that we should be showing off our son, visiting often, and that I should be getting out of the house. But to be honest going anywhere with him is such a chore. I have finally mastered going to the store with him on my own (which is literally down the road from me). I feel like other moms have such amazing outgoing lives and I get stressed just thinking about leaving the house. People think stay at home mom's do nothing all day. I literally don't even get to sit down and watch TV all week. During his naps I'm just scrambling just to eat, shower and do every day chores. Is anyone else feeling this way? I get so frustrated by anyone that expects us to visit all the time. It's really not my top priority.