24 long hours but totally worth it!


We were scheduled to be induced a week before my due date. I was a good candidate for being induced a week early and our baby had been measuring 1-3 weeks early our entire pregnancy. We arrived at the hospital around 4:30 am and were settled around 5am. Had the IV in place and only needed 1 pill to start the induction. A few hours later we started to dilate and had a balloon inserted. About 5 hours later we had it removed and started pitocin. The contractions came on so strong and were not peaking and going down so we turned it down and got the epidural and just decided to wait it out. At about 1:30 we did a few practice pushes but around 2am it was time to really push. We pushed until 4:30 but baby was stuck. We were exhausted and in tears only because of pure exhaustion. Our doctor gave us the option of pushing for 1 more hour and then using the vacuum or we could just use the vacuum right now and get her out in a few minutes. They told us they would know right away if the vacuum would work and if it didn’t then we would need to go in for a c section. We decided to just do the vacuum right away and about 20 nurses were in our room ready to go. Luckily they found out the vacuum would work for us and we only pushed for a few more times and our baby girl was born at 4:47am. I did suffer a 3rd degree tear and passed out 2 times before being moved to recovery, but it was all worth it. I would do this all over again because our little girl that we waited patiently to get pregnant with, patiently carried her to 39 weeks, and very patiently labored and delivered her was worth it very single second. We had a little rough recovery but i wouldn’t change anything. Our Eloise was born 2/19/19. It took me a while to post our birth story because it was a traumatic birth that I needed to heal from but now I am ready to share because every birth story is different and amazing!!