Married at 18?7


My boyfriend and I have been dating for about 6 months and we're both graduating high school this week. He is going into the US coast guard and I am going to a four year university in my town. Of course we have talked about marriage, but never seriously until very recently. Both of us would get our college paid for( or at least a good amount), a free place to stay with utilities and food, financial stability and of course someone to love us and be there unconditionally. Again, we're both 18, fresh out of high school and have only been dating for 6 months, so I am a bit uncertain as you might imagine. I want nothing more than to marry him, but I dont want to seem like we're rushing or putting pressure on our relationship, you know? I love him very much and I know there isnt a set amount of time you should be together before you get married. For example, his parents literally knew each other for 3 weeks, dated for 2 of those 3 and were eloped in a Vegas hotel by the end of the third week. 12 years later they are still crazy about each other and seem so very happy. I just really need an unbiased opinion right now lol

Update: I turn 18 in less than 2 weeks so even though I am 17 at the time this is being posted I went ahead and said I am 18

Update 2: the fact that we get all of these bonuses from his job is not the only reason we're considering getting married, there are many more things I did not touch on in this post.