Omg what my husband did today!! Was he right or wrong to do this?

So we were at the grocery store about to get out of the car and a car pulls up and parks a few spaces away. 5 guys got out of the car (they all looked like they were in their early 20s). They got out and started throwing all their trash on the ground around the car (they just went to IN N OUT) I’m talking multiple burger wrappers, fry containers, paper food bags, ketchup packets, all their drink cups and just walked in the store.

Me and my husband were shocked and looked at each other like this 😲

Then he looks at me and says wait right here and gets out of the car and walks over to their car.

I’m just sitting there like 🤔 what is he going to do.

He starts picking up all their trash... but he doesn’t throw it away for them instead he starts shoving it all in between there windshield wipers and in between there door handles and hangs a cup off of there antenna, and sticks the ketchup packets all over their windshield. I’m freakin out that they are going to come out and see him and try to fight him... so he runs back to the car like this 😂. And we drive off do you think he was right or wrong to do that?