Birth control and SO issues

My SO and I are currently long distance. He doesn't make an effort to talk to me, mail me letters or anything, or video chat with me. I mail him gifts and cards, send him pictures all the time and wanna keep communication open as much as possible. His excuse is that he is busy. He has made a lot of promises (like to mail me something, and to call me more) but broke them all. We've been together for a year and a half, and it's been this way since day one. When we are together things are fantastic but as soon as I get home things suck again. Anyways, obviously I get upset. Being apart is hard enough but take away our only means of communication and our whole relationship is lost. He says the reason I'm upset about it is because I'm on birth control and it screws with my mood while I'm already on antidepressants. He wants me to stop taking the pill despite how I told him I need to take it for the pain I have every month. He doesn't get it. He's supposed to move in with me sometime this year, it was November but now he can't give me a time. He lives with his grandparents who raised him and they're sick. He told me last year his grandpa could "die at any time" because of his cancer and three months ago said the same about his grandma. A girl also messaged me a month or so ago saying he was dating her a few months ago and etc. I don't know if I trust him. I'm just so lost. What do I do?