America should ban tipping

Warning: this might trigger people about the topic. Please don’t comment if you can’t say anything nice 👍. Any rude comments will be deleted. Any questions to me I’ll answer anonymously through the post. Any rude comments to others will also be deleted. Thank you 😊

America is great sometimes, but when it comes to tipping it seems like it’s being demanded from customers. I will tip at restaurants or pizza delivery drivers. I don’t tip at hair salons, tattoo or piercing parlors. I don’t tip at hair salons because I can only afford to give ten at most. I hear people tipping twenty percent and I’m like wow that person must have a pretty good job for that. Thankfully my hairstylist understands and still does my hair. I don’t want people telling oh that’s not high enough. I’m just like it’s something. No I am not going to give them a lot but I will give something. Does that make me selfish? No. I still gave something to them for good service. If a tip is demanded then I won’t tip at all. If the tip is not what they wanted then they can give it back if it’s a problem.

I think America should get rid of tipping all together. Tipping causes a lot of problems. Jobs should pay their employees a livable wage. Restaurants know not everyone is going to tip you that’s why they tell you to smile and give excellent service regardless.

I worked for an event planner and she told me that sometimes clients will tip. She told us regardless if they tip or not we still had a job to do and to do it well. She wasn’t going to lose clients just because they didn’t tip her or her employees.

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