I don’t want to be induced or have a C section

My dr wants to induce me at 38w

She said maybe c section

I am “considered” high risk becuz I have diabetes and high blood pressure but since being pregnant ITS ALL BEEN UNDER CONTROL MY A1C HAS COMPLETELY DROPPED IM BASICALLY NOT A DIABETIC ANYMORE & BLOOD PRESSURE IS CONTROLLED!

She says “well if it was me I wouldn’t care as long as baby is healthy” she even said “it’s a miracle I’m pregnant due to my weight” 🙄

I feel like it’s unnecessary, and I have medical so I know they get paid for everything they do to me.

My blood pressure is literally like 115/51

It’s always around the same..

I know people are going to say “she knows what’s best for you, but sometimes DR just want to do what’s best for them”..... please help me with some advice