Is my husband right?


So, my husband and I have a 2.5 year old boy and his name is Remy Ansel.

I am currently pregnant and hoping we will have a girl. If it's a girl, I want to name her Emy Arya.

My husband likes the names Emy and Arya but because Remy and Emy rhyme he is flat out refusing to consider using Emy if we have a daughter. He also says our kids would get confused when we call them because the names are similar.

I personally don't think it's weird that Remy and Emy rhyme and I don't see our kids getting confused when we call them.

Can ya'll tell me your opinions and possiblly give me other ideas on unique names....

We won't know our 2nd kiddo's gender until the birth date, so boy and girl name ideas are welcomed.

Thanks ❤

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