Secondary teacher work life balance please say it gets better???


I’m a PGCE trainee languages teacher. Absolutely love teaching it’s the best job in the world but absolutely the hardest and most time consuming thing I have ever done

Planning is currently taking over my life. I spend every free, every break and lunch time and every day after school until at least 10:30 sometimes gone 11pm planning lessons. Please tell me it gets easier?? I feel like I have no life anymore, granted it’s extra hard this year because I’m starting from scratch with all of my resources and powerpoints and worksheets seeing as most of the premade ones online are trash... I thought marking would be the worst part of out of hours work for teachers but I don’t mind that at all

I’m getting a bit worried because come September as an NQT my timetable will be increasing and the idea of spending any more time planning than I already do makes me feel so sick and anxious. I give myself one day off which is a Saturday, but even working 6 days a week including every single evening until late at night I just cannot keep on top of the planning and am always planning for the very next day. I can’t stay ahead and always worrying about my lessons. All it would take is one evening off, one evening if my laptop were to break down or something and that’s it my next day would be absolutely screwed, I would have no planned lessons!!