Boyfriend Mother

Afro Queen!!

It’s very rare that I post on here, but when I do it’s to vent or get some advice. So a few months ago I came on here talking about how my bf mom stay with us. Just to refresh you all memory she work 52 hours a week sometimes, smoke weed everyday before and after work, shower in my kids restroom and don’t clean after herself, pay no bills, & wearing my sofa out! So fast forward to now. Things haven’t change if you ask me it gotten worst! So my daughter has a phone and it popped up missing, I was looking for it to take to the apple store. I couldn’t find the phone NO WHERE! So I went to find my iPhone. The phone was ringing and come to find out she stole the phone. My bf asked her why was the phone in her bag right, she gets super defensive and say “I didn’t steal that phone it was on the floor in the trash, and I never stole any thing in my life. Just ranting about how she “found the phone in the trash” need me to remind you all nothing was wrong with the phone at all it was just disable. My thing is why not ask about the phone be for taking it?? Any rathe I told my boyfriend that she need to start paying rent or be gone by June 1. Taking from my baby is a no no!!