Will my babies be a year apart 😭😭😭😂

Vanessa • 21. 1 baby, due with #2 02/07/20. Married

I had our baby January 23rd, I got what I believed was a period in April. It actually start at a family party on Easter 😭 anyways, I’m late 4 days now, is there anyway I could be pregnant!? Those hearts on those days after the period were days he’s came inside me, and just again 2 nights ago. So I’m just wondering if it’s my hormones getting back on track, (I’m wearing my 4 month old off breastfeeding) or if I’m actually pregnant 🤔🤔 IF I WAS I wouldn’t be mad or anything because we weren’t trying or preventing, kinda a “go with the flow” typpa thing. Anyways, what do y’all ladies think?

Also! I took a pregnancy test yesterday and it was negative, but I’m still wondering about the being late part.