When to worry about cooing?

LO is over 9 weeks and she smiles here and there, even kind of “talks” a little at times, but no coo. She does more short yells and uh’s than anything.

I’m seeing a ton of mommas here and in fb groups that have cooing babies and I’m feeling like the only one with a babe over 8 weeks that hasn’t started yet.

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My boy is 9 weeks and one day. He smiles, but is VERY reluctant to give them out you have to work for them! Mostly in the morning then you can barely get him to do one in the evening. He also will make load noises, but only when he is fussing, he won't "coo" as you and other describe. Occasionally when he is smiling a lot he'll do this cute intake of air sound which I think is a pre-curser to giggling, but yeah no talking or cooing really. It started to stir on my mind today...


Emma • May 23, 2019
Haha yup the same. Trying not to worry, but the wide eyes starring in to space is alarming x


Sarah • May 23, 2019
Wow ur son sounds exactly mine mine I call him grumpy pants cuz I’ve got to force a smile out of him lol x