Should I be concerned about her milestones?

Emily • Momma to Miss Emma!

My baby (first and only) will be 21 weeks old tomorrow/5 months old next week. She was a little over 3 weeks early, so her adjusted developmental age would be 21 weeks/closer to 4 months old.

My sister-in-law had her baby girl 6 days before me but was full term, 40 weeks when she delivered so she is her true age. Everyone keeps comparing them and it is concerning me.

My baby is so pleasant and easy going. She has hated tummy time from day 1 because of severe reflux, and we have literally tried everything imaginable, but she will only tolerate 4 to 5 mins a day in smaller intervals before getting very pissed off. She has great head control when sitting though and LOVES to sit up (supported) for play time.

Her favorite way to play is laying on her back with her play mat things above her. Her reach is always accurate and she will grasp items and bring them to her mouth. Occasionally she will roll from back to side when reaching for toys, but does not roll to tummy because she knows she hates it. Rolling side to back is only occasionally and is not an every day occurance.

She doesn't like to put much weight on her legs yet and doesn't seem interested in standing. Other babies her age are wanting to bounce around and stand up all the time when being held, but not her.

I'm worried that she is behind even though at her 4 month appointment, her peds said he wasn't concerned yet because she is developmentally younger than her age.

This week she found her voice and LOVES to babble and yell at toys and people. So cute.

any input at all would be helpful. Do you have babies that were like this and turned out ok?