BFP and early symptoms!


So, my fiancé and I have been ttc for 8 months. May was the last month we were going to try before we stopped for a year (to get married next June!). The past months we’ve used the clear blue <a href="">ovulation tracker</a> and this month we were like ‘let’s just wing it! #YOLO”

I found myself creeping on lots of symptom posts, so I thought I’d share. So symptoms;

6 dpo; my boobs started hurting (this is extremely unusual for AF, but has happened before, never this early!). Also sharp pains here and sometimes in one boob 🤷🏼‍♀️

A LOT of dreams start happening around here.

9 dpo; the lower backache is REAL! Also random low key waves of nausea, not like serious, but I could feel a hint when I took a deep breath.

I got my BFP this morning (12 DPO) 2 days before my period was suppose to start. The sore boobs and backache are pretttyyyy consistent. I’m so excited!! But also trying to stay level because I know I’m still super early. Baby dust to all!!! 💕💕💕