Suckling or swallowing?


My baby is 19 days old.

She suckles at the breast for more than 1 hour, I alternate between boobs and then comes off screaming and giving hunger cues and rooting around for my boob when trying to comfort/burp her.

I've shown many midwives etc the latch and they say its fine, there's no nipple pain and I can feel a gentle tug. Little one moves her jaw but sometimes I actually hear and see a suck suck swallow but most of the time I just see sucking.

The midwives have reassured me that she is still eating but I'm not convinced because after feeding for that long why would she still be hungry and then need a top up?

Is she just pacifying or lazily drinking, getting tired then ratty because she's super hungry by the end of it, needing an easy top up?..