Abortion posts really make me sad 😔

Hannah • 💍 married in 2018. 🤰🏼due with our first 11/18! ✝️ loved and blessed by Christ.

I know there is a mix of political views on here, but it’s so hard to scroll through Facebook and see friends’ posts about how a baby in the womb is just a “clump of cells with no brain”. Yes, a friend actually said that. It’s just heartbreaking to me because so many people don’t realize how intricately and amazingly babies grow in the womb! So quickly they look human, develop a heartbeat, brain and organs form, begin to form memories, can hear noises, etc. I have always been pro-life but being pregnant, it’s become even harder to see things about abortion. 😔😔 I’m not trying to start a political discussion or say anything against those who are pro-choice, just sharing something heavy on my heart lately.