Who should go to the funeral?

I'm posting this here because i'm not sure where else to post it, plus I figured there could be some mixed opinions. But if this is the wrong place, please tell me! And i'm sorry.
I'm 17, pregnant with my first baby. My so called "brother" raped me when I was 14. No one on my dads side, including my dad believes me. Even though he served jail time for it, and admitted it! Anyways, my dads getting sick and we're afraid he may not last long. This is horrible to think about but if the worst happens, and he dies, which one of us goes? I have the power to allow him to go as well as me, but I cant do that. Seeing him will kill me and in a time like that, I just cant handle it. I thought about splitting the time, he goes for so long then leaves and then I go. But I wont do that because he's my father. I'm not going to go then leave in the middle of it. But I also cant force him to miss it just because of what he did. I'm considering not going because everyone there doesn't believe me anyways and In a time like that.. I would be absolutely heartbroken anyways. Obviously this is something that may not happen but Its very very likely. I want to cry typing this but i'm trying not to. So.. If in the event it happens, what do we do? That's his first child. And i'm his baby. But what he did completely destroyed me more than you can ever know.