Baby Ryan 2020


I couldn't do without this community when I was ttcing so here is my story.

I met my now husband in 2012 and we got married in 2016. Once we got engaged in 2014 we knew we wanted a family right away so we started trying. No luck for the first 3 years so we decided to get some help and found out that both of my tubes were blocked. In 2018 I had laparoscopy surgery, my left tube was removed and my right was unblocked. In april of that year we did our first round on clomid. In may we did our second round and suffered a miscarriage @4wks. With pure disappointment we decided to take some time and work on us. On April 19th 2019 (Good Friday) I decided to rebuild my relationship with God so I got baptized. On May 17th (My FIL Bday) I finally saw a dark BFP for the first time ever almost exactly a month after being batized. We told our family on May 20 (My MIL Bday/Our anniversary). My due date is February 2nd 2020. This has happened so quickly and I can only Thank God for helping me through this long and tiring 5 year journey. I continue to pray that all of you ladies get to experience the happiness and content I feel right now

Baby Dust to all of you 🍼🌬