baby food help 😩

Hi Mommas! I have a soon to be 6 month old. We started introducing baby food at 4 months. We started because she was very interested in what we were eating. I would try in the morning and afternoon to give her some. Some days were better than others. Then she started to like a few more than others I thought we were making progress but then we would go back to like the first day. She wont open her mouth for it we even try to trick her with a toy. It works a few times but then she again wont open her mouth. I have tried fruit, vegetables, cereal (rice and oatmeal) and even fruit mixed with a little yogurt or fruit mixed with the cereal. Nothing works. She take a few bites than crys. But she will take the bottle right away. Also I tried giving her very tiny broken sized pieces of baby puffs. She takes thos and keeps wanting more. Idk why to do my first never did this!! Is she just not interested and its to early? Will she eventually take it? Idk what else to try. I mentioned it to her doctor and they said giver her a few weeks see if anything changes and if not there is a clinic at the children’s hospital to help. I really just want to get ger on track already 😩😩😩😩 what do I dooo????