Opinions and advice

So my boyfriend and I haven’t seen each other since May 7th. He says he wants a break and needs time to think and clear his head about everything cause we have been bickering. I­t­ all started because I️ kept pushing and pushing to come back and stay with him at his moms house but she doesn’t want me there cause she says I️m disrespectful and don’t appreciate their help when I️ never acted that way. I️ have been stressed and overwhelmed with school cause I️m studying to be a cardiac sonographer and that isn’t easy! So anyways last weekend he went camping with one of his buddies and this weekend he is at the river with some other friends. I️ trust him 100% and know he would never cheat! Anyways we have a cruise coming up June 22. But it’s eating me alive that he doesn’t want to spend time together. I️m trying to be patient till the cruise but is so hard. I️ love him him so much and I️ know we are meant to be together but it’s just eating me alive not getting to see him. How long do I️ wait until I️ just can’t anymore? How long should a break be or what’s the longest you were on a break for if you had one and how is your relationship now? Please need advice or ideas to keep me busy!!