Then and Now

Theresa • Wife, Mommy, Advocate for children with special needs. “Down Syndrome was an unplanned journey, but we LOVE our tour guide!”

Then: 11/14/17

Now: 18 months old

Ava is 18 months. She is extra amazing! She is very social and has an 18 word vocabulary. She can sign approx 13 words and mimics monkeys and doggies.

She started walking at 15 months, is practicing running now and is an avid climber. Lol.

Ava has 2 teeth with 2 more coming in and we love her little toothy-less grin!

She is spunky and sassy and determined. She is curious and nosy and hates to be left out. She is opinionated, loving goofy and boy oh boy, she loves to dance!

Let's see how much your little ones have grown!