Can your kids "sense" that your about to go into labor?


I am a little over 39 weeks, and my daughter has been very clingy and cuddly for the past few days.

She is 3, and I weaned her off the breast at 2. When I weaned her, she became a total daddy's girl. She is usually all about dad all the time! So cute! We still have a good bond, but our bond changed when I stopped nursing her.

However, out of nowhere, she only wants mom. She falls asleep in my arms, wants to help me do everything, and wants to cuddle and be carried by me all day long.

I am enjoying the extra bonding time before our family expands and changes. I was just curious if anyone else has noticed anything similar with their kids? I gave birth to my first at around this time, so it is possible that baby will be here soon!