Is it just me?

Is it just me or is this app vehemently against women birthing without pain relief? I've literally been prompted by this app to read 5 seperate opinion "articles" about how women "think" they can do it but, hey, keep it flexible so you don't feel like such a failure when it doesn't pan out! :) What i find even funnier is that in the comments if anyone says that they see a complete lack of actual facts or anything for natural birth (to perhaps even it out or cater to women who aren't getting epidurals FOR ONCE) everyone else jumps on this wagon where they basically berate her by saying she can't possibly know she can do it and sharing stories about how they *thought* they could, but didn't. Or worse yet, people start throwing a pity party about how people with epidurals are put down. What?! WHERE?! I've literally never seen a person whom received an epidural or planned to, be put down in any fashion. I've never seen or heard of a dr or nurse scoffing at or treating a patient poorly for choosing an epidural. I've never heard anyone anywhere say that a woman was stupid for getting an epidural or remind her constantly that she *probably* won't make it in time or that it could fail or any of the numerous dangerous side effects may not be worth it. What i have seen is women posting motivational things and facts about natural birth and other women commenting with a "unique" scenario where they *factually would've died without the epidural* as if to say, "even though 90% of hospital births end with an epidural in the mix, i still somehow feel that the small percentage of women who do it differently should literally never talk about it or encourage it or motivate eachother becuase it makes me irrationally jealous!" personal favorite is the ultra hateful and condescending "you don't get a gold star!". Like. Hey. Make YOUR decision and then pump yourself up about it and quit trying to make other women feel bad.

RANT over.