Having a serious convo with my sex partner about moving forward. (What’s our next step?)


The entire 2019 thus far, my sex drive has been hidden somewhere but not with me thats for sure. I tried everything & nothing worked until this month. Earlier this month i had an intimate connection with one of my ex partners & he brought my drive back. I’ve been having sex with him every week since then however this morning, at least to me, it feels like our romantic connection was not fully there & the sex was just “good” even though we’ve definitely had better. Idk if its because it was we were both still half awake or if it’s something else. Based on what has been happening between us this month alone as well as in our past, i pretty much came to a conclusion that we’re made for each other & it’s something we’re not sure on which keeping us from giving us a try. My plan is to have a sit down with him tomorrow so that we can discuss but deep down im nervous that we’re not on the same page & “us” will never happen.

Am I overthinking?... Im 22 & has never had a real genuine relationship.

PS: He’s the only guy that has ever truly apologized to me.

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