Is this racism

I lived in an area where everyone is a differnt race then me.  I got a job working at a gasstation part time.  I got all the "random UA's" (in fact I was the only one ever UA'ed) was constantly pulled over by the cops and they would try to search my car.  I had people come into my job and try to physically assault me only because of my race (like jump over the counter)  My electricity bills were always over $1000 although I was never home and always had everything turned off and unplugged the other people in the town said they never had a bill over $40.  My boss would constantly shout out in the store that I was attacking her, ad telling everyone that I hated everyone else's race.  I started getting phone calls of people threatening my life.  The cops thought it was funny and would conduct drive bys shinning lasers into my house trying to scare me.  I was constantly harassed everywhere I went about my race.  I couldn't escape it, I have moved since but still encounter this.