So. I need your flat out blunt honest af opinions. I won't be offended. I need every perspective that you are willing to give! If you think I'm right, tell me. If you think I'm wrong, tell me. If you have mixed feelings, lay it out. Because I need to hear different opinions in order to attempt to handle this properly. So here it goes.

I am a single mama to a 5 month old baby girl. She was a preemie and had open heart surgery when she was a month old. She's thriving now thankfully but she does have frequent check ups, she needs to be monitored at home and such.

Her dad took off when I found out I was pregnant. Which is fine. It was his choice. I heard from him twice when I was pregnant. He came to the hospital three days after she was born, held her for half an hour and then left. Didn't hear from him until she was about 2 months old. And I haven't heard from him since. UNTIL NOW.

My best friend made a post on her Facebook congratulating me on getting my first place (yes I live at home with my parents but I move out in one month). I guess he stumbled across her post which is fine cause I have nothing to hide. And now he's DEMANDING to see his daughter next Saturday. He hasn't seen her since she was three days old (he's seen pictures of her but has made NO ATTEMPT to see her since).

I have my own life and like a normal person I have plans as I'm prepping to move out on my own with my baby. Well our. But still I am her only caregiver which is why I said my. He does not support her in ANY WAY. I'm not opposed to him seeing his daughter. But I'm upset first of all because he left all those months ago. And now I'm being a CONTROL FREAK for telling him I can't make next Saturday work. I told him to calm down and that he can't just demand to see her like that. I told him he has to ask so we can make plans or arrangements.

Now he's making posts on social media about women who keep their kids away from their dads when all I said is I can't make that one day work. He's also threatening to call the police and that children's aid society on me.

What do I do in this situation? Am I supposed to bend over backwards and accommodate his wishes so he doesn't call the police on me?