Family drama .

Here’s my problem :

My grandma paints, it always been a really big thing for her. She really wanted to paint something for my daughters room. I mentioned to her that the room is NUTRAL . No loud colors at all, and that it has no space on the walls really. So if she wanted to do a long skinny painting I could easily put it above the window. She asked what I wanted and I said “well her entire room has all these bunnies in it, I would really enjoy a bunny picture or maybe a garden picture. Something really quiet and muted.”

My grandma really threw down what I wanted “I don’t want to paint that” . And I literally said “well grandma that’s all I have room for and I don’t want it to clash with everything in the room.”

So she calls me back today and announces it’s finished ! She then sends me a picture and I am FLOORED. It’s HUGE. It’s the size of two of my 50 inch TVs put together and it doesn’t even have a frame on it yet. Not only is it HUGE it is a giant picture with loud colors of a fairy . She claims I’m the fairy even though it looks nothing like me. I kindly reminded her I didn’t have room for it... remember we talked about something smaller ?

“Well take down all that stupid bunny sh*t and you’ll have plenty of room for it. I want it hung right above her crib.”

Jesus take the wheel. I just didn’t say anything . I live states away from her so honestly I’m going to just hang it up in her giant closet and have it in there . Like I feel guilty she spent all this time on it but I already told her I needed something really small and I told her it didn’t need to clash with the room.

Anyone ever have this happen to you before ? I feel like this is the beginning of people trying to take charge with my stuff now that I am having a kid 🤦🏻‍♀️

^not the entire picture . Just the main part . There is more on the sides .