Almost a car baby..


So, I had been dilated to a 4 1/2 for about a week. I was still working 12 hour shifts as a CNA at the local hospital where I live and on my last day of work I decided to leave a little bit early because I had been having cramps all day. The next day I went to my OB appointment and I was still out of 4 1/2 not progressing so they sent me home because I was still only 37 weeks. Well, my stepmom mentioned Castro oil. I had read lots of mixed reviews about it online but I finally decided just to take one tiny tablespoon with a shot of orange juice. I had no contractions I had no bathroom experiences so I went to bed. At 2 AM I woke up and I had to P really bad so I went to the bathroom and when I got back into my bed my water broke. I live an hour away from the hospital and I was already 4 1/2 cm dilated so by the time I got there I was ready to push and I pushed for six minutes and he was here. No epidural or anything 😅 6 pounds into ounces! Julian Cole 💓