no progress 🙄 ugh

Taylor Paige • 22 | mommy to a sweet baby boy 06.04.19 💙👶🏼 | Pregnant with #2 Due Nov 15!!! 💛

before my 36 week appointment i had to go to the hospital for contractions. they told me i wasn’t dilated and was 70% effaced. at my 36 week appt i was 1cm dilated & still 70% effaced. today i had my 37 week and i saw a diff doctor and she said “you’re a very lose 1cm but no quite a 2” and 70% effaced. Ugh 😩 I was hoping i would have been at least a 2!! and what sucks is that my office is full for next week so i won’t have another appointment until june 11th... i’ll already be 39 weeks then 🤬🥺☹️ Come on baby i’m hurting so badddd