Is it the end or just the third trimester?????

So, I am 34 weeks and I have been cramping in my pubic bone all week, my back hurts every now and then it will be sharp pain and then dull pain. My left foot started swelling at 33 weeks and I am carmping ever so slightly every now and then in my stomach but on the lower side not top where people say I will feel contractions. My stomach has been messed up but not diarrhea, just the feeling of it. Pressure every now and then of her on my cervix but it has only happened maybe three times sporadically. I am restless, I am constantly exhausted but the exhaustion is nothing new. I feel nauseous when I eat and drink and I feel sick when I don't eat enough or drink enough. The baby has already dropped, or turned head down weeks ago. So, am I going to have her sooner than a few weeks or am I just uncomfortable and experiencing the joys of being in the third trimester? I had an OB apt yesterday but he didn't seem to concerned. I am kind of not concerned buht kinda am at the same time. I'm a first time mom who has no clue what to expect. I have had a relatively "good" pregnancy aside from miscarrying one twin. It has been a mild pregnancy I guess you can say.