Attitude problem.

Maybe someone can relate. My boyfriend is always upset about something. He sweats the small stuff hardcore. The first couple of years it wasn’t like this. But now it seems I am always asking him what’s wrong. Of course he always says “nothing”. But actions speak louder than words.

And really, he’s right, there is nothing wrong. We have a pretty nice life and we are blessed. We actually have a great relationship, rarely fight, laugh together every day. We’re super close. But when it comes to nearly everything else - he’s always complaining.

I think it has something to do with the way he was raised. His mom and grandma are very much like this too. All they ever talk about is negative shit, things that are going wrong. I am very much the opposite. I naturally see the bright side, I am optimistic and while I do complain about things that suck, I snap out of it quick. People who are negative can realllly get to me. Which brings me to my problem.

His bad attitude drives me fucking CRAZY. Do I just accept that this is him? Do I get him some self help books? Like damn dude. Like attracts like and negative attracts negative. Really bringing me down over here.

Has anyone experienced anything like this?