Was I being harsh?

Please read before commenting.

Ok so, my family always does this family reunion camp out, which last year and this year my part of the family isnt going. It's not fun, it's not even really a family reunion. I just don't care for it, but I'm tired of making excuses to my dad as to why we arent going.

So he asked me about it and I told him everything that i just stated above, more in detail. And then I told him the biggest reason...

I don't care to be around people who smoke weed, I know it's the majority of the family that does. But when we are sitting around the camp fire, WITH kids, and everyone who smokes starts smoking, that's not ok with me. I will not have my current toddler around it, and I will not be around it while pregnant. I feel that its honestly disrespectful to the ones who don't smoke, and who dont raise there kids around that stuff. If you all want a place to smoke, you can leave, or wait until the rest of us leave. It's also turned into nothing but a drink fest. Which I'm also not ok with. Especially when you get so drunk the night before we all want to go fishing and now you don't want to go because you're hungover. So it's simply not fun anymore, it's not even about the family anymore. It's like the whole family is there, be all go our seperate ways, only time we get together is when we are done doing whatever for the day.

And I left it at that. He didn't have much to say after I said that. My dad is also an ex addict, and my sister recently found out he's dealing it. So I really don't care to have my family around him in general.