Should I tell him he MIGHT have an STD? Help!

So I just got a call yesterday from my local health department stating they have a referral to tell me that I MAY have been exposed to chlamydia and they only contact sexual partners up the past 2 months. Ew gross I know. Super common, but still gross. Anyways I’ve only been with one other person in the “2 months” timespan besides my current partner. so needless to say I know who I MAY have contracted it from. I immediately went in for treatment since they treat whether you have it or don’t. I took my two pills and shot in the ass and they sent me on my way. Told me not to have sex for 10 days. I can bullshit my way through the no sex part. However....

Here’s my dilemma. I don’t know for sure that I have chlamydia yet and won’t know for 5-10 days. I haven’t really had any symptoms. Should I be proactive and tell my new partner ahead of time or wait until I know 100%? He and I aren’t that serious YET and I don’t know his sexual history prior to me. He told me today that he thinks he has a UTI and I told him he should go to the doctor and get an antibiotic. Should I wait until I know for sure and have to tell him/he finds out OR should I just go ahead and tell him and take a chance on starting a fire for no reason... This is so nerve wracking 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️