Ugly legs

I'm ashamed of my legs.

They are so ugly : first they are short and I hate that, also I'm pretty slim when I wear pants, my legs look slim as well. However if I want to wear a dress, short, skirt, anything we can see them, they look awful.

They look fat, ugly knees, they are sooo white (I know it's not a big issue since I just need to tan xD)

And my skin gets marks easily.

So I started sports and helps me for everything except my legs...thought they could get slimmer but actually they look too muscled...

So do you know how I can get thin legs like on this picture :

Because with sports I got that kind of legs :

Ps : this is not me,I don't find this woman has ugly legs, it's looks great on her but just not on me.

Thank you for your help girls