Low Pro even w/supplements


Hi everyone! I was low in progesterone with my first and I just took 200mg daily until around 12 weeks. The birth was full term and healthy.

I'm currently pregnant with my second. My HCG levels are progressing. The first blood test said the progesterone was right on the line of being normal and below. Doctor didn't initially give me supplements.

Second blood test a few days later showed that it was slightly below, so she put me on 200mg orally.

Third blood test showed a drop in progesterone. HCG levels are still looking good (7923). She's not showing me progesterone numbers, but wants me to double the progesterone to 400mg. I'm at 6 weeks.

This pregnancy was not planned (which is fine, I feel blessed) but I had an endoscopy when I didn't know I was pregnant and was put under general anesthesia. I've been nervous about this pregnancy since day 1 of finding out.

Just wanted to know if anyone has ever seen a drop in progesterone even after being on a supplement. My doctor isn't really saying much.

I'm very worried.
