How hard is it really

laney • Happily married 6-24-17, mom to one fur baby ❤️ our little boy coming this thanksgiving 💙

To go back to work after your maternity leave is up? I’m barley 4 mos along but am already dreading it lol. I’ve looked into being a stay at home mom and crunched some numbers a little bit but realistically I’ll have to go back, mainly bc that’s the only way we’ll have any health insurance. Even if I wasn’t working my husband still makes ‘too much’ to qualify for Medicare or anything like that. So I just want to hear some of your stories about going back to work after having a baby. And ladies I kindly ask that no one comments anything like ‘well I’m a stay at home mom so...’. That’s wonderful for you but it’s really not what I’m looking for at the moment. Thanks!

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Deoends on how much you love your job and coworkers. If your coworkers are like family and you love what you do, going back to work may be a relief. If you hate your job or don't like your colleagues, going back to work is horrible.


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Infant childcare can be on the super expensive side. Also, some don’t accept babies until they’re 6-8 weeks.


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I was honestly ready. I loved staying with my son but the whole being home thing was driving me crazy


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I was so ready to go back. Before we had a kid I knew I would never be a SAHM. We could afford for me to be home, but it wouldn't be as comfortable. I also carry the health insurance- I'm a RN in a hospital so my insurance is pretty fantastic. Yes- I cried a lot the night before I went back thinking about leaving my baby. But once I got back to work, it was amazing. I got to talk to adults and use my skills. My coworkers are super supportive and it made it nice. We have a lactation room on my floor with a refrigerator in it which makes pumping super easy.


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I went back after my first turned 4 months. To be honest, I skipped back to work. I was ready to be around adults, I missed my students and coworker's. But I didn't start feeling ready to go back until maybe a couple weeks before my maternity leave ended. This time I'm going back when baby is only 3 months and I wish I could stay off a few more weeks but we can't afford it. I'm hoping I'll have the same feeling and be happy going back. I don't think I would be able to do only 6 weeks like most teachers get (unless they want to take the less pay like I am) in Cali. That just seems to soon. So glad we are in a position where I can stay a few more weeks