Best time for unprotected sex?

Hey, gals.

I know everyone is gonna comment an answer like “When you wanna get pregnant!” And I know that. Lol. I’m married, and if we got pregnant it wouldn’t be a huge deal. I’m just wondering when you are least likely to get pregnant. I know most will say it’s when you aren’t ovulating and I get that, I’m just wondering if right after or right before your period is safer or if there’s even a way to tell. We almost always use condoms, we just want to try without a couple times to see if there’s a difference. Some people say there is, some say there isn’t. Like I said, if I did get pregnant we would still be hella happy, just trying to do it at the least likely time if ya get what I mean. Also, I don’t wanna get back on BC or any other preventative measures.
