Need advice about my marriage.

Michelle • 6/5/16- Addi Jo was born. 💘

Okay so this may be long & confusing. and I’m sorry. My husband and I have been together 2 years, married almost 4 months. We just found out we’re pregnant on May 26th, the day after my birthday and I’ve been praying for baby #2 for so long. Well, unfortunately, my husband suffers from an addiction of pornography. I knew it before we got married but we both got baptized before we got married and I saw such a change and was so confident in us. I’ve expressed to him so many times that pornography hurts me and I don’t agree with it. It’s also a sin and I’ve went to counseling for how it’s made me feel and to see what I should do about it. So the last month has been rough. I’ve spent a lot of time at my moms and away from him. We’ve grown apart a little and I hate that. But he got upset with me for creating a Facebook to get on my daughters dads Facebook to get pictures of him partying for my case in court. He claims I was hiding it from him because we agreed not to have social media cuz it just causes problems. It was connected to OUR email that was on his phone so it’s not like I was hiding it. And he could see everything I did on it. I didn’t message anyone. It showed everyone I looked up. I didn’t do anything wrong. Well, now, everything’s turned around on me and I did something way worse than him viewing pornography and I’m an evil b***** and I am going to hell and all this.. now we are content and barely talking. He wanted me to delete all my social media (I activated it all again when I spent a couple weeks with my mom because I was certain we were done). So I deleted it. But now, it’s like he’s being shady. Won’t leave his phone around me for one second. Always has it in his pocket, hand, or hiding it somewhere. Takes it everywhere with him, won’t leave it in the truck when he pumps gas, takes it to the bathroom and spends 30+ minutes in there. So basically I’m just not happy because I want an open relationship and to be best friends. I just don’t know what to do. Pray that he’s not doing anything wrong and not hurting me behind my back and just focus on this pregnancy and just go with the flow and hope for the best or try to raise 2 children on my own?