Ugh );


I need to vent and maybe could use some support. We just found out our 5th FET with PGD failed.

Back story - We are doing

<a href="">IVF</a>

to prevent a genetic condition from spreading to our children. I have never been made aware of any fertility issues in myself and nothing runs in the family. We have done

<a href="">IVF</a>

with PGD for every cycle.

First FET - got pregnant, but ended in a blighted ovum.

Second FET - got pregnant and now have a beautiful 2 year old (we are now shocked that actually happened).

Third FET - didnt work, we were out of embryos and had met our lifetime insurance cap for

<a href="">IVF</a>

. We paid for a 3 cycle out of pocket plan ($30k+ not including meds or PGD) with the help of family. Did another retrieval and got one good embryo.

Fourth FET - didn't work. Doctor did hysteroscopy which was normal and ERA which found i needed another day of progesterone. We were out of emryos again so we did another retrieval and got two.

Fifth FET - everything looked "perfect" according to doctors, transferred a fully hatched 5BB blast. I felt every symptom there is (I know the meds do that), and was COMPLETELY convinced it worked. We just found out this afternoon it didn't work.

We have one more frozen 5BC blast that we will transfer because we have it. We have one more retrieval in our 3 cycle plan if ths last one doesn't stick. Im exhausted mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially. If this next one fails (I'm now convinced it will), I'm not sure I have it in me to do another round. However, we wouldn't get any money back fro. The out of pocket plan and i know in the long run we would be crushed and regretful if we didn't at least try.

At this point, I have no explanation for why this last one didn't work. We were "aggressive" in our approach for this last one, and I don't know what else we could possibly do. The medication protocol for this FET was different from our one successful FET, but asside from doing the exact same medication i am at a loss. I have lost all faith that this will ever work. What i now see before me is paid for and therefore, forced disappointment and saddness, along with additional money down the drain.

Has anyone had similar experiences and had any success in the end? I'm feeling alone.