Am I wrong?


Hey guys so my husband just worked Monday-Friday,but when he gets off I normally give home 30mins to and 1hr to do what he wants I don’t push our daughter on him as soon as he gets home...lately he find places to go when he get off or try to go hang out with his co works...remind you I am a full time stay at home mom with a business I run from home...but i am starting to feel very overwhelmed because even on his off days our daughter will wake up and he will totally act like he doesn’t hear her or her will lift one eye and close it...I asked him to put her on her potty because it’s his day to do so...well my husband caught a whole fit and was like what you mean it’s my day you can get up and put her on the me i catch an attitude instantly remind you I am 7mths pregnant with complications so sometimes it’s hard to do certain task...since my daughter has been a newborn I feel like I have basically done majority of the parenting because he always at work and he is always trying to work overtime and unjust feel like he is respecting the fact that I barely can do daily task...however about 2 weeks ago I started have preterm contractions and doctors said take it easy or I’ll be on hospital bed rest well let’s just say I’ve still been having those contractions and I am so afraid I’ll be put in the hospital and I feel my husband just isn’t is really getting under my skin because I keep telling him the same thing...and I feel like I never have time to myself or for myself and I am about to have another newborn and I feel my postpartum is going to come back at an all time worst because of it...Am I wrong for ignoring things just so he can do it?