Best friend is stupid!


So its a long story i just gotta tell someone 😂 my best friend of like 13 years is an IDIOT! She got into a relationship in December 2018 this is her first relationship since her kids father. She already has 3 kids 2 boys ages 14 and 7 and a girl age 12 (single mother, never married) her new boyfriend also has 3 kids ( also single father, was previously married). She has only been on her own in a new apartment (2 bedroom) and out of her fathers house since about February. A couple months ago she sent me these messages

So as you can see in April she did not want to have anymore children yet. In the conversations her and i have had since he has made it VERY clear to her that he does not want any children in the near future as he was already in a marriage with someone he really didnt like and felt trapped for so long because of the children. Also he believes she is still on birth control 😕.. Anyway These 2 have broken up multiple times since december the most recent time that i know of being may 12 she broke up with him b/c he turned his phone off lol smh..

A few days after that break up we had this conversation:


Ok now as u can probably assume from the conversation so far she is asking me specifically these questions because i have been TTC for 6 years now.

Lets fast forward to yesterday she calls me and tells me that her boyfriend still stands on his no babies rn stance but she wants commitment from him so what other way to get that than to go ahead and get pregnant and when that happens tell him that she needs an engagement ring otherwise she would feel trashy ( like she hasnt already had 3 unwed 'trashy' pregnancys) smh.. Anyway he also told her that if she were to find out she were pregnant he would definatly need a break in the relationship for a while. With the information he has told her she felt like it was smart for her to take her coworker up on an offer of some leftover metformin she had to help her get pregnant and if that didnt work her friend also has some clomid that she will give her WHAT??!?


I told her this is all a TERRIBLE and honestly a really fucked up thing to do! She thinks that because ive been trying so long and she can litterally look at someone and get pregnant my disapproval comes from a place of jealousy! I can assure you i would be thrilled for her if she were to get pregnant with honest intentions.. After me trying to convince her this is a bad idea she decided that she would just tell the boyfriend she didnt want any more kids that way when she ends up getting pregnant he wont think she trapped him.. Yall i just can't with her. She has already started taking these unprescribed pills.. Yall what can i tell her to see that what she is doing is so fucked up!!?? I would think would be common sense but clearly she isnt very bright.
