Need advice.

Michelle • 6/5/16- Addi Jo was born. 💘

Okay so I’m just gonna tell you everything.. This is the last month of my marriage. I have left my husband 5 times or so and stayed with my mom. I stayed for 12 days one of those times. He said he was at work one day when the maps on his phone said otherwise and also his coworker said they got rained out that day, but to this day he won’t admit it. So we got into a fight about it. Then i found some pads in his truck (I don’t use pads) so I kind of freaked out because I have cleaned that truck and it wasn’t there before. But he doesn’t know how it got there. So i had a restriction blocking pornography on his phone. Here’s why, He battles a porn addiction (he won’t admit to it, but going to the “bathroom” over 5 times a day for 30 mins to an hour a day, says otherwise). When someone is addicted to porn, they watch it frequently and eventually get into more intense/ messed up scenes. Well, he did. He got into the “incest” scene. He was asking me to be his sister, mom, daughter in bed. I wasn’t okay with it. Well the day he was supposedly “at work” but wasn’t, he told me he’s tired of being treated like a kid and to take the restriction off. I said “okay but the restriction comes off, I am leaving” he said to go ahead and take it off. I did, and I left. I didn’t have the nerve to tell him the incest crap bothered me because it’s not a comfortable subject to talk about to someone who’s so into it. So I finally did over text after I left. I talked to my pastor and his wife, they took me to see a counselor. I have so many verses showing it’s a sin and it’s a valid reason for me to divorce him over. I sent those to him, I told him he needed counseling. We needed counseling. Something. He wouldn’t agree. During the 12 days I was gone, he made a fake Instagram and a fake Facebook to stalk me on. I get a follow request on Instagram from someone with his initials so I click on it and it says it’s following 6 people so I click on that and one of the pages it was following was “incest loving family” so I KNEW it was him. He did tell me to come back, put the restriction on and he wouldn’t say another word about taking it off. So I did. Then he hacks my email, which was connected to his phone as well, so I had nothing to hide. I did make a fake Facebook account with that email so I could creep on my daughters biological dad and get pictures of him partying to benefit my case in court. By no means was I trying to hide it; it was on our email, it was on my phone I never deleted it. I wasn’t messaging anybody on there, nothing. Well, he finds that out, and flips. Tells me it’s over and he can’t trust me and takes me to a friends house so I can stay the night there. So I’m just confused on why me getting on Facebook was a big deal and all that when he was watching disgusting porn and hurting me. I didn’t message anybody. I wasn’t unfaithful. So yesterday he asked me who I was texting. I told him a lady on my app “glow” and then a couple mins later I was texting my daughters dad about our daughter. He goes “that’s not some girl you’re texting” I said “no it’s ____” and he said “you’re being shady” I said “IM BEING SHADY! You won’t take your phone outta your pocket or leave it in the truck when you go into the gas station but as soon as I go into the store or something, he gets on it and hides it when I come back out” and he said “I’m tired of everything always being about my phone” and that was last night. We haven’t talked since. He’s been outside cleaning his truck since 7 this morning and just came in now he’s in the bathroom and has been for 20 mins now 😂 he just always plays the victim and makes me out to be the bad guy. I just don’t feel like I’ve done anything wrong enough for him to not be interested in talking to me, touching me, nothing. Like I love him and want to work through everything but it just doesn’t seem like he does or cares enough to. I’m now 5 weeks pregnant and we don’t even speak. We don’t sleep in the same bed. We are strangers with a baby on the way.