I’m drunk sex v sober sex

I like to have a few glasses of wine and have really horny sex. I’m getting married. He doesn’t drink but I like to have a few. We have amazing sex anyway but I like to get a bit freaky when I’ve had a few wines.

But when you are drunk you act different right? He says I’m always ok but I do go a bit more out when I’ve had a couple wines! Outfits, toys and now we’ve started to watch porn together.

Am I looking silly, fatter etc when I’ve had a few and not caring and going for it?

I don’t really know what I am asking but I wish sometimes we could have drunken sex together... he always tells me I’m fine and it’s amazing but i always think after should I be more classy and give up drinking

I don’t need any taking advantage comments- he’s not and we both trust each other.

I guess sometimes it would be good to see inside a mans head!